Soon Magazine!

New Release List for the

This list is no longer being updated and most of the projects listed below were canceled.
Updated January 19th, 1996

|==================================================                         |
||3DO Legend                                      |                         |
||----------                                      |                         |
||Column   I................Category Product      |                         |
||Column  II................Quarter Release       |                         |
|==================================================                         |
|                                                                           |
|==================================================                         |
||Category Product:                               |                         |
||-----------------                               |                         |
||                                                |                         |
||1.......................Adventure               |                         |
||2.......................Strategy/Reflexion      |                         |
||3.......................Arcade                  |                         |
||4.......................Flight Simulation       |                         |
||5.......................Other Simulation        |                         |
||6.......................Action                  |                         |
||7.......................RPG (Role Playing Game) |                         |
||8.......................Sport                   |                         |
||9.......................Add-On                  |                         |
||10......................Edutainment/Utility     |                         |
||11......................Screen Saver            |                         |
||12......................Educative               |                         |
||13......................Interactive Movie       |                         |
||14......................Gameshow                |                         |
|==================================================                         |
|                                                                           |
|==========================================================                 |
||3DO Section                                             |                 |
||-----------                                             |                 |
||========================================================|                 |
||     Product Name      |    Company Name    | I |   II  |                 |
||-----------------------|--------------------|---|-------|                 |
||20th Century Video     |                    |   |       |                 |
|| Almanac               |                    |   |  Out  |                 |
||3D Atlas               |Electronic Arts     |12 |  Out  |                 |
||AD&D Slayer            |S.S.I.              | 7 |  Out  |                 |
||Alone in the Dark      |Interplay           | 1 |  Out  |                 |
||Another World          |Interplay           |13 |  Out  |                 |
||Ballz                  |Panasonic Software  | 6 |  Out  |                 |
||Battlechess            |Interplay           | 2 |  Out  |                 |
||BattleSport            |Studio 3DO          |   |  Out  |                 |
||Bladeforce             |Studio 3DO          | 6 |  Out  |                 |
||Blonde Justice         |                    |   |  Out  |                 |
||BrainDead 13           |ReadySoft           |3/6|  Out  |                 |
||Burning Soldier        |Panasonic Software  | 6 |  Out  |                 |
||Cannon Fodder          |Virgin              | 2 |  Out  |                 |
||Captain Quasar         |Studio 3DO          | 6 |  Out  |                 |
||Casper                 |Interplay           | 3 |  Out  |                 |
||Corpse Killer          |Digital Pictures    | 6 |  Out  |                 |
||Cowboy Casino          |                    |   |  Out  |                 |
||CPU Bach, Sid Meier's  |MicroProse          |   |  Out  |                 |
||Crash'n Burn           |Crystal Dynamics    | 5 |  Out  |                 |
||Crime Patrol           |American Laser Games| 6 |  Out  |                 |
||Demolition Man         |Virgin              | 6 |  Out  |                 |
||Dennis Miller - That's |                    |   |  Out  |                 |
|| News to Me            |                    |   |       |                 |
||Digital Dreamware      |Virgin              |12 |  Out  |                 |
||DinoPark Tycoon        |MECC                | 2 |  Out  |                 |
||Dragon's Lair          |Readysoft           |1/6|  Out  |                 |
||Drug Wars              |American Laser Games| 6 |  Out  |                 |
||Escape From Monster    |                    |   |       |                 |
|| Manor                 |Electronic Arts     | 6 |  Out  |                 |
||ESPN Baseball -        |                    |   |       |                 |
|| Interactive Hitting   |                    | 8 |  Out  |                 |
||ESPN Golf - Lower your |                    |   |       |                 |
|| score with Tom Kite   |                    | 8 |  Out  |                 |
||ESPN Let's Go Skiing   |                    | 8 |  Out  |                 |
||ESPN Let's Play Soccer |                    | 8 |  Out  |                 |
||ESPN Let's Play Beach  |                    |   |       |                 |
|| Volleyball            |                    | 8 |  Out  |                 |
||ESPN Step Aerobics     |                    | 8 |  Out  |                 |
||Family Feud            |Gametek             |   |  Out  |                 |
||Fatty Bear's Birthday  |                    |   |       |                 |
|| Surprise              |Humongous Ent.      |10 |  Out  |                 |
||Fatty Bear's FunPack   |Humongous Ent.      |10 |  Out  |                 |
||FIFA International     |                    |   |       |                 |
|| Soccer                |Electronic Arts     | 8 |  Out  |                 |
||Flashback: The Quest   |                    |   |       |                 |
|| for Identity          |US Gold             | 3 |  Out  |                 |
||Flying Nightmares      |Domark              | 4 |  Out  |                 |
||fun 'n games           |Panasonic Software  |   |  Out  |                 |
||Gex                    |Crystal Dynamics    | 3 |  Out  |                 |
||Gridders               |Tetragon            | 2 |  Out  |                 |
||Guardian War           |Panasonic           | 6 |  Out  |                 |
||Hell: A Cyperpunk      |                    |   |       |                 |
|| Thriller              |Gametek             | 1 |  Out  |                 |
||Icebreaker             |Magnet Interactive  | 3 |  Out  |                 |
||Immercenary            |Electronic Arts     | 6 |  Out  |                 |
||Immortal Desire        |                    |   |  Out  |                 |
||Iron Angel of the      |                    |   |       |                 |
|| Apocalypse            |Synergy             | 6 |  Out  |                 |
||Jammit                 |GTE Interactive     | 8 |  Out  |                 |
||John Madden Football   |Electronic Arts     | 8 |  Out  |                 |
||Jurassic Park          |                    |   |       |                 |
|| Interactive           |Universal Studios   | 1 |  Out  |                 |
||Killing Time           |Studio 3DO          |   |  Out  |                 |
||Kingdom : The Far      |                    |   |       |                 |
|| Reaches               |Interplay           | 1 |  Out  |                 |
||Lemmings               |Psygnosis           | 2 |  Out  |                 |
||Lost Eden              |Virgin              | 1 |  Out  |                 |
||Lost Files of Sherlock |                    |   |       |                 |
|| Holmes                |Electronic Arts     | 1 |  Out  |                 |
||Mad Dog Mc Cree        |American Laser Games| 6 |  Out  |                 |
||Mad Dog II: The Lost   |                    |   |       |                 |
|| Gold                  |American Laser Games| 6 |  Out  |                 |
||Mathemagics Interactive|                    |   |       |                 |
|| Learning Cube         |                    |10 |  Out  |                 |
||Mazer                  |American Laser Games|3/6|  Out  |                 |
||Megarace               |Mindscape           |3/8|  Out  |                 |
||Microcosm              |Psygnosis           |5/6|  Out  |                 |
||Myst                   |Panasonic Software  | 1 |  Out  |                 |
||Neurodancer            |                    |   |  Out  |                 |
||Night Trap             |Digital Pictures    |13 |  Out  |                 |
||Novastorm              |Psygnosis           | 6 |  Out  |                 |
||Ocean Belows           |Mindscape           |10 |  Out  |                 |
||Off-World Interceptor  |Crystal Dynamics    | 5 |  Out  |                 |
||Out of this World      |Interplay           |1/3|  Out  |                 |
||Panzer General         |S.S.I.              | 2 |  Out  |                 |
||Pataank                |Crystal Dynamics    | 3 |  Out  |                 |
||PGA Tour '96           |EA Sports           | 8 |  Out  |                 |
||Phoenix 3              |Studio 3DO          |   |  Out  |                 |
||Plumbers Don't Wear    |                    |   |       |                 |
|| Ties                  |                    |   |  Out  |                 |
||PO'ed                  |Any Channel         | 6 |  Out  |                 |
||Powers Kingdom         |Panasonic Software  |13 |  Out  |                 |
||Primal Rage            |LG Software         | 6 |  Out  |                 |
||Psychic Detective      |Electronic Arts     |13 |  Out  |                 |
||Putt-Putt's FunPack    |Humongous Ent.      |10 |  Out  |                 |
||Putt-Putt Goes to the  |                    |   |       |                 |
|| Moon                  |Humongous Ent.      |10 |  Out  |                 |
||Putt-Putt Joins the    |                    |   |       |                 |
|| Parade                |Humongous Ent.      |10 |  Out  |                 |
||Quarantine             |Gametek             | 6 |  Out  |                 |
||REAL Pinball           |Panasonic Software  |3/5|  Out  |                 |
||Rebel Assault          |LucasArts           | 5 |  Out  |                 |
||Return Fire            |Studio 3DO          |2/6|  Out  |                 |
||Rise of the Robots     |Time Warner         |   |       |                 |
||                       | Interactive        | 6 |  Out  |                 |
||Road Rash              |Electronic Arts     | 5 |  Out  |                 |
||Samurai Showdown       |Crystal Dynamics    | 6 |  Out  |                 |
||Seal of the Pharaoh    |Panasonic Software  |3/6|  Out  |                 |
||Sesame Street Numbers  |Electronic Arts     |10 |  Out  |                 |
||Sewer Shark            |Digital Pictures    | 6 |  Out  |                 |
||Sex                    |                    |   |  Out  |                 |
||Shadow: War of         |Tribeca Digital     |   |       |                 |
||  Succession           | Studios            | 6 |  Out  |                 |
||Shanghai: Triple Threat|Activision          | 2 |  Out  |                 |
||Shelley Duvall's - It's|                    |   |       |                 |
|| a Bird's Life         |                    |   |  Out  |                 |
||Shock Wave 2           |Electronic Arts     |1/6|  Out  |                 |
||Shock Wave: Invasion   |                    |   |       |                 |
|| 2019                  |Electronic Arts     |4/6|  Out  |                 |
||Shock Wave: Operation  |                    |   |       |                 |
|| JumpGate              |Electronic Arts     | 6 |  Out  |                 |
||Silly Classix...at the |                    |   |       |                 |
|| Museum                |                    |   |  Out  |                 |
||Slam 'N Jam '95        |Crystal Dynamics    | 8 |  Out  |                 |
||SlopeStyle: An         |                    |   |       |                 |
|| Interactive Learning  |                    |   |       |                 |
|| Cube                  |L3 Interactive      |   |  Out  |                 |
||Soccer Kid             |Krisalis Software   | 3 |  Out  |                 |
||Space Ace              |Readysoft           |1/6|  Out  |                 |
||Space Hulk             |Electronic Arts     | 6 |  Out  |                 |
||Space Pirates          |American Laser Games| 6 |  Out  |                 |
||Starblade              |Namco               | 6 |  Out  |                 |
||Star Control II        |Crystal Dynamics    | 2 |  Out  |                 |
||Starfighter            |Krisalis            |4/6|  Out  |                 |
||Striker: World Cup     |                    |   |       |                 |
|| Special               |Panasonic Software  | 8 |  Out  |                 |
||Super Street Fighter   |                    |   |       |                 |
|| II Turbo              |Panasonic           | 6 |  Out  |                 |
||Super Wing Commander   |Origin              | 5 |  Out  |                 |
||Supreme Warrior        |Digital Pictures    | 6 |  Out  |                 |
||Syndicate              |Bullfrog            | 2 |  Out  |                 |
||The Animals            |Mindscape           |10 |  Out  |                 |
||The Coven              |Vivid Interactive   |   |  Out  |                 |
||The D                  |Panasonic Software  |12 |  Out  |                 |
||The Daedalus Encounter |Panasonic Software  |13 |  Out  |                 |
||The Horde              |Crystal Dynamics    |2/3|  Out  |                 |
||The Incredible Machine |Sierra On-Line      | 2 |  Out  |                 |
||The Last Bounty Hunter |American Laser Games| 6 |  Out  |                 |
||The Life Stage: Virtual|                    |   |       |                 |
|| House                 |                    |   |       |                 |
||The Lost Files of      |                    |   |       |                 |
|| Sherlock Holmes       |Electronic Arts     | 1 |  Out  |                 |
||Theme Park             |Electronic Arts     | 5 |  Out  |                 |
||The Need for Speed     |Electronic Arts     | 5 |  Out  |                 |
||The San Diego Zoo      |                    |   |       |                 |
|| presents...The Animals|                    |   |  Out  |                 |
||Toon Time - in the     |                    |   |       |                 |
|| Classroom             |                    |   |       |                 |
||Total Eclipse          |Crystal Dynamics    | 5 |  Out  |                 |
||Trip'd                 |Panasonic Software  | 2 |  Out  |                 |
||True Golf Classics:    |                    |   |       |                 |
|| Pebble Beach Golf     |Panasonic Software  | 8 |  Out  |                 |
||True Golf Classics:    |                    |   |       |                 |
|| Waialae Country Club  |Panasonic           | 8 |  Out  |                 |
||True Golf Classics:    |                    |   |       |                 |
|| Wicked 18             |Panasonic Software  |   |  Out  |                 |
||Twisted: The Game Show |Electronic Arts     |14 |  Out  |                 |
||Virtuoso               |Elite               | 2 |  Out  |                 |
||VR Stalker             |Morpheus Interactive| 4 |  Out  |                 |
||Way of the Warrior     |Universal Studios   | 6 |  Out  |                 |
||Who Shot Johnny Rock ? |American Laser Games| 6 |  Out  |                 |
||Wing Commander III:    |                    |   |       |                 |
|| Heart of the Tiger    |Origin              | 5 |  Out  |                 |
||Woody Woodpecker I     |                    |   |  Out  |                 |
||Woody Woodpecker II    |                    |   |  Out  |                 |
||Woody Woodpecker III   |                    |   |  Out  |                 |
||World Cup Golf: Hyatt  |                    |   |       |                 |
|| Dorado Beach          |US Gold             | 8 |  Out  |                 |
||Zhadnost: The People's |                    |   |       |                 |
|| Party                 |Studio 3DO          |14 |  Out  |                 |
||                       |                    |   |       |                 |
||                       |                    |   |       |                 |
||                       |                    |   |       |                 |
||Alone in the Dark 2    |Infogrames          | 1 |   3   |                 |
||Baldies                |Gametek             | 2 |   3   |                 |
||B.I.O.S.Fear           |Panasonic Software  | 1 |   3   |                 |
||Cadillacs & Dinosaurs  |Rocket Science      |3/6|   3   |                 |
||Channel Blonde         |Vivid Interactive   |   |   3   |                 |
||Cheating               |Vivid Interactive   |   |   3   |                 |
||Creature Shock         |Virgin              | 6 |   3   |                 |
||CyberClash             |Crystal Dynamics    | 6 |   3   |                 |
||Cyberia                |Interplay           | 6 |   3   |                 |
||Cyberwar               |Sales Curve         |   |       |                 |
||                       | Interactive        |1/6|   3   |                 |
||Deadly Skies           |JVC                 |   |   3   |                 |
||Defcon 5: Incoming     |Psygnosis           |   |   3   |                 |
||Deus Ex Machina        |Silmarils           |1/6|   3   |                 |
||Dinoblaze              |Virgin              |   |   3   |                 |
||Discworld              |Psygnosis           | 1 |   3   |                 |
||Doom                   |Art Data Interactive| 6 |   3   |                 |
||Dragon Lore: The Legend|                    |   |       |                 |
|| Begins                |Megarace            |1/7|   3   |                 |
||Garage Sale            |Starwave            |   |   3   |                 |
||InteractV Aerobics...  |                    |   |       |                 |
|| Hi, Low & Combo       |Videoact V          |   |   3   |                 |
||Isis: Earth, Wind and  |                    |   |       |                 |
|| Fire                  |Panasonic           |   |       |                 |
||Loadstar: The Legend of|                    |   |       |                 |
|| Tully Bodine          |Rocket Science      |3/6|   4   |                 |
||Lost Vikings II        |Interplay           | 3 |   3   |                 |
||Mind Teaser            |Vivid Interactive   |   |   3   |                 |
||Naked Reunion          |Vivid Interactive   |   |   3   |                 |
||Nevada 51              |Electronic Arts     |   |   3   |                 |
||Penn & Teller's Smoke  |                    |   |       |                 |
|| and Mirrors           |Absolute Ent.       |   |   3   |                 |
||Powerslide             |Elite               | 5 |   3   |                 |
||Rayman                 |Ubi Soft            | 3 |   3   |                 |
||Real Line: An          |                    |   |       |                 |
|| Interactive Learning  |                    |   |       |                 |
|| Cube                  |L3 Interactive      |   |   3   |                 |
||Robinson's Requiem     |ReadySoft           |1/6|   3   |                 |
||Rock and Roll Racing   |Interplay           |   |   3   |                 |
||Saturncide             |American Laser Games|   |   3   |                 |
||Shell Shock            |Core Design         | 5 |   3   |                 |
||Star Trek The Next     |                    |   |       |                 |
|| Generation            |Spectrum Holobyte   | 1 |   3   |                 |
||Steamy Windows         |Vivid Interactive   |13 |   3   |                 |
||The 11th Hour          |Virgin              | 1 |   4   |                 |
||The All New People's   |                    |   |       |                 |
|| GameShow              |Studio 3DO          |14 |   3   |                 |
||The Grandest Fleet     |J.C. Research       | 2 |   3   |                 |
||The Perfect General    |J.C. Research       | 2 |   3   |                 |
||The Scottish Open      |Core Design         | 8 |   3   |                 |
||The Ultimate Fighting  |                    |   |       |                 |
|| Style: An Interactive |                    |   |       |                 |
|| Learning Cube         |L3 Interactive      |   |   3   |                 |
||Thunderhawk            |Core Design         | 5 |   3   |                 |
||ToonTime 2             |Videoact V          |   |   3   |                 |
||Varuna's Forces        |JVC                 |   |   3   |                 |
||Warriors               |Mindscape           | 6 |   3   |                 |
||Winner Take All        |Vivid Interactive   |13 |   3   |                 |
||Wonder Lust            |ElectroMedia        |   |   3   |                 |
||                       |                    |   |       |                 |
||Absolute Zero          |Domark              | 6 |   4   |                 |
||American Blonde        |Vivid Interactive   |   |   4   |                 |
||Clayfighter II:        |                    |   |       |                 |
|| Judgement Clay        |Interplay           | 6 |   4   |                 |
||Chess Wars: A Medieval |                    |   |       |                 |
|| Fantasy               |Art Data Interactive|   |   4   |                 |
||Cyberdillo             |Panasonic Software  |   |   4   |                 |
||Deathkeep              |S.S.I.              | 7 |   4   |                 |
||Death Mask             |Pixus/Electric      |   |       |                 |
||                       | Dreams             |   |   4   |                 |
||Doom II                |Art Data Interactive| 6 |   4   |                 |
||Dragon's Lair 2: Time  |                    |   |       |                 |
|| Warp                  |Readysoft           |1/6|   4   |                 |
||Duelin' Firemen!       |Runandgun! Movin'   |   |       |                 |
||                       | Pictures           | 6 |   4   |                 |
||Eye Spy                |Cerebre             |   |   4   |                 |
||Fast Draw Showdown     |American Laser Games|N/A|   4   |                 |
||Fire & Ice             |LG Software         |   |   4   |                 |
||Firewall               |LG Software         |   |   4   |                 |
||Firewolves             |LG Software         |   |   4   |                 |
||Foes of Ali            |Electronic Arts     | 8 |   4   |                 |
||Golden Gate            |Studio 3DO          | 1 |   4   |                 |
||Hard Corps             |Sales Curve         |   |       |                 |
||                       | Interactive        |3/6|   4   |                 |
||Hot Roxx               |Vivid Interactive   |   |   4   |                 |
||InteractV Aerobics...  |                    |   |       |                 |
|| Hi, Low & Combo       |VideoactV           |   |   4   |                 |
||Intimate Journey       |Vivid Interactive   |   |   4   |                 |
||In Your Face           |Meta-Design         |   |   4   |                 |
||Kingdom O' Magic       |Sales Curve         |   |       |                 |
||                       | Interactive        | 1 |   4   |                 |
||McKenzie & Co          |American Laser Games|   |   4   |                 |
||Mirage                 |Atlantis Interactive|   |   4   |                 |
||NHL Hockey '96         |Electronic Arts     | 8 |   4   |                 |
||Onside                 |Elite               | 8 |   4   |                 |
||Planet Strike          |Studio 3DO          |   |   4   |                 |
||Planet Vegas           |VideoactV           |   |   4   |                 |
||Prowler                |Origin              | 6 |ÿ  4   |                 |
||Rad the Rock Hopper    |Crystal Oasis       |   |   4   |                 |
||Return to Zork         |Activision          | 1 |   4   |                 |
||Shoot Out at Old Tucson|American Laser Games| 6 |   4   |                 |
||Shred Fest             |Electronic Arts     |   |   4   |                 |
||Snowjob                |Studio 3DO          | 1 |   4   |                 |
||Vikings                |MicroProse          |   |   4   |                 |
||Voices in my Bed       |Vivid Interactive   |   |   4   |                 |
||WaterWorld             |Interplay           |   |   4   |                 |
||Wingnuts               |Rocket Science      | 6 |   4   |                 |
||                       |                    |   |       |                 |
||--------------------------------------------------------|                 |
||1996                                                    |                 |
||--------------------------------------------------------|                 |
||Decathalon             |Studio 3DO          | 8 |   1   |                 |
||Maximum Surge          |Digital Pictures    | 6 |   1   |                 |
||Quarterback Attack     |Digital Pictures    | 6 |   1   |                 |
||The Lawnmowerman 2:    |Sales Curve         |   |       |                 |
|| Jobe's War            | Interactive        | 3 |   1   |                 |
||Triple Play '96        |EA Sports           | 8 |   1   |                 |
||                       |                    |   |       |                 |
||Street Fighter Animated|Capcom              | 6 |  96   |                 |
|==========================================================                 |

Copyright © 1995-96 Coming Soon Magazine! All Rights Reserved.